New PinePhone user issues - Printable Version

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New PinePhone user issues - greenpineuser - 08-23-2024

Good day!

I received my PinePhone Beta Edition the other day and have input my nano-SIM. The following are issues I have getting the phone prepped for usage.


Kernel: 5.18.0-1-MANJARO-ARM


The phone states "Modem not available" when I navigate the settings menu (Settings > Cellular Network > (input pword)  > "Modem not available")

Do I need to update APN settings? If so, how can I when states "TBD"?


The phone notifies me via the home screen that updates are available, but fails to implement them and simply requests me to try again later.

I attempted updating via sudo pacman -Syu

I am prompted to replace many instances of <package_name> w/ <extra/package_name>

Next, I am notified that...
    :: There are 2 providers available for dbus-units::: Repository core  
    1) dbus-broker-units     2) dbus-daemon-units

Selecting either option is irrelevant to the outcome

looking for conflicting packages...
:: libgpiod1 and libgpiod are in conflict. Remove libgpiod? [y/N]

Selecting either option cancels the update.

I attempted to resolve the issue via Executing sudo pacman -S libgpiod states the package is currently updated and will reinstall. Executing sudo pacman -Syu following the previous command provides no difference


Each time the phone sleeps and re-awakes, I get an error that is not entirely discernible because the screen crops much of it out. I just know it recommends the execution of loginctl unlock-session c1. Note that this message only appears to happen when the phone induces automatic lockout (I have set it to 30 sec). If I manually hit the power button to sleep and again to awake it functions normally,

Although I just got the phone, I know for certain that this issue arose following my attempts to update (see section 2.1).

Here is what I can read of the error message. Each " ... " signifies a break in the error message due to the mentioned cropping.

Error msg: "locker is broken and unlocking is not possible ... to unlock switch to a virtual terminal (e.g. Ctr ... log in and execute the command: loginctl unlock-session c1 ... out of the virtual session by pressing Ctrl+D, a ... back to the running session (Ctrl+Alt+F2)."

I have to shut off and power on the device in order to get a normal unlock screen. If kept on instead, I get a boot screen(?) with touch screen controllable mouse w/out keyboard. Screen:


Regarding the post, I apologize for any formatting issues. Each time I saved as draft, the forum seemed to completely change the spacing and numbered lists. Anyone have similar issues?

RE: New PinePhone user issues - Peter Gamma - 08-30-2024

I had similar issues. Only paste in unformatted text.

RE: New PinePhone user issues - jakfish - 08-31-2024

So sorry to hear about all these issues. For the modem, can it be assumed that you've opened up the back and checked the DIP switches? One of them is for the modem.

As for the libgpiod1 and libgpiod issue, you might look at this thread. The OP solved the issue, but found another one:

RE: New PinePhone user issues - Peter Gamma - 09-01-2024

Hi jakfish, nice to hear from the developer who installed Word97 in IXBOX/Wine on the Pinephone:

RE: New PinePhone user issues - TuxUnderTheArch - 09-01-2024


I'm not going to be able to help you with the modem, as i don't use it. On the other hand, here are a few explanations for the update problems that should definitely solve your current and future problems.

The regular ‘core’ and ‘extra’ repositories (‘community’ is now deprecated) contain packages that are sometimes removed to be replaced by their equivalents from further development, but renamed differently. And there have been a lot of these over the last few months, I myself have encountered the same difficulties updating my Manjaro with Plasma mobile system. These problems also occur when changing from the regular branch to the test branch. I'm going to be fairly precise in my explanations, as I've noticed that these problems recur on several forums.

OK, let's go!
The packages that cause conflict problems are ‘foreign’ packages, which are therefore not present in the regular repositories, as opposed to the packages that exist in these regular repositories, which are ‘native’ packages. It should also be noted that packages installed from the AUR are also ‘foreign’ packages. The list of ‘foreign’ packages can be obtained as follows:

sudo pacman -Qm

You should recognize in this list the names of packages that have caused you problems, in principle.
All foreign packages can be safely removed, as they are not necessary for the regular operation of the system. And if one of them is nevertheless necessary (as a dependency, for example) pacman will give you a warning. But don't confuse a warning related to a conflict with other ‘foreign’ packages that you're going to remove anyway (some depend on each other), with warnings related to a conflict with ‘native’ packages. That's why you need to remove the whole list of ‘foreign’ packages at once. To avoid wasting time recopying the names of all the packages on a very long line, here's how to use an intermediary file :

sudo pacman -Qmq > list.txt

(the lower-case ‘q’ is used to create the list without the package version number, as this would cause problems)

and then :
sudo pacman -R - < list.txt

If required, the list of files (list.txt) produced by the ‘sudo pacman -Qmq > list.txt’ command can then be edited with a text editor, for example to remove packages installed by the user from the AUR, otherwise they will have to be reinstalled. (This have to be done before using the command ‘sudo pacman -R - < list.txt’, of course).

Finally, you need to clean up the system by removing all orphaned dependencies that are no longer required by other packages. To do this, the list can be obtained using the following command:

sudo pacman -Qdt

You can in the same way use a file list.txt to make things easier:

sudo pacman -Qqtq > list.txt
sudo pacman -R - < list.txt

These last two commands should be repeated several times, until pacman returns an error because the entry is mute (because the list is empty). Deleting a dependency does not delete the dependency of the dependency, this is the reason (other methods exist, I like this one because I can see how my system is evolving).

And one last piece of advice: for dbus, ‘dbus-broker-units’ is the recommended choice in archlinux and it's also the one I've made, everything works fine on my pinephone.

I hope I've been able to help you as much as possible.
Best regards.

RE: New PinePhone user issues - jakfish - 09-01-2024

@TuxUnderTheArch That's a wonderful post. Thank you for taking that kind of time and care.