SailfishOS on PT2: flashing the emmc - Printable Version

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SailfishOS on PT2: flashing the emmc - defactofactotum - 06-18-2024

Instructions to install sfos to pinetab2 emmc

Flash sfos to sdcard, get the script here: n; some outdated info on page, the script should be 0.4.0.
Boot sfos on sdcard.
Set up ssh from your pc (not essential but makes life easier).
Transfer the flash-it script to the pinetab using scp or telegram/email.

1. Install gnu-bash: zypper in gnu-bash
You are offered 2 options due to conflict, choose option 1 "deinstallation of busybox-symlinks-bash-1.34.1+git2-1.8.1.jolla.aarch64";
2. Install sudo
3. Install wget
4. Install jq
5. Install parted
6. Install unzip
7. cd to the flash-it folder and run the script: sudo bash ./ and follow instructions.
If you're working from the terminal on PT2 make sure you have "display on while charging."
The P64 uart adaptor may be needed if there is another OS on emmc, it can be tricky: it goes in the usb slot furthest away from the power button, it should have a green led when you attach power and when you plug it into the PT2 there should be another smaller flickering red led in the middle of the adaptor. The usb connectors are not symmetrical, try turning the cable connector upside down if you don't see the red led.

The version flashed is now, wifi works out of the box. Camera doesn't work yet, BT temporarily out of order. Has been known to spontaneously reboot. Otherwise everything works. On first boot there's an option to encrypt which is currently being fixed. Choose developer options, quit and it then boots. Look in telegram channel for better solutions for home partition encryption.
Any problems telegram group:

RE: SailfishOS on PT2: flashing the emmc - gregb49 - 08-01-2024

Out of interest, is SailfishOS just your personal preference? I'm finding the latest Danctnix working well on my Tab2, in that the WiFi and all the programmes I use are working well. It is now a most useable portable tablet.

RE: SailfishOS on PT2: flashing the emmc - schuster2 - 09-18-2024

What troubleshooting steps can be taken if the PineTab does not boot from the SD card after flashing SFOS, especially regarding the use of the P64 UART adaptor?