Resizing eMMC - Printable Version

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Resizing eMMC - happybot-4678 - 06-05-2020

Hi, can you verify if my eMMC is using max space?
If not which partition do i need to resize? Thanks

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ lsblk

mmcblk2      179:0    0 14.7G  0 disk
├─mmcblk2p8  179:8    0  2.4G  0 part /android/cache
├─mmcblk2p6  179:6    0 63.9M  0 part
├─mmcblk2p4  179:4    0   64M  0 part /android/boot
├─mmcblk2p2  179:2    0    1M  0 part
├─mmcblk2p10 179:10   0  8.6G  0 part /userdata
├─mmcblk2p9  179:9    0  2.4G  0 part /
├─mmcblk2p7  179:7    0 63.9M  0 part
├─mmcblk2p5  179:5    0 64.3M  0 part
├─mmcblk2p3  179:3    0    8M  0 part /android/persist
└─mmcblk2p1  179:1    0  1.9M  0 part
mmcblk2boot1 179:64   0    4M  1 disk
mmcblk2boot0 179:32   0    4M  1 disk

RE: Resizing eMMC - colin hodsdon - 06-05-2020

ubports resizes when you extract it , before you install it, thats why it takes a little longer to flash it, so you are pretty much maxed out, like that ,,,if you need bigger ,put it on an sdcard, a big one ,then use Gparted to max it out.
settings/about/storage , will show you available space

RE: Resizing eMMC - happybot-4678 - 06-12-2020

(06-05-2020, 05:37 PM)colin hodsdon Wrote: ubports resizes when you extract it , before you install it, thats why it takes a little longer to flash it, so you are pretty much maxed out, like that ,,,if you need bigger ,put it on an sdcard, a big one ,then use Gparted to max it out.
settings/about/storage , will show you available space

Yes it is maxed out, thanks