RE: Spontaneous numlock - ab1jx - 04-14-2021
I'm pretty sure it doesn't, I'll check again in a little while when I switch back. But the Pause and Scroll lock (or print screen) turn the numlock LED on and off. It's like the keycodes are wrong, that's why I was wondering if ansi and iso keyboards use different dtbs. But on a similar note in Manjaro the # key gives me a British Pound symbol so the keyboard type may be wrong. That could affect numlock maybe?
The speaker still doesn't switch in Debian Bullseye. But numlock doesn't work. F12/Pause and F9/Print screen are doing a full numlock, both the LED turns on and characters that get typed change to numbers for the keys with numbers.
RE: Spontaneous numlock - dsimic - 04-14-2021
Did you select the right keyboard type in Manjaro ARM, when you were asked for it?
RE: Spontaneous numlock - ab1jx - 04-14-2021
I think so, I wasn't planning to keep it. I'm in Manjaro now. The speakers do turn off when you plug in headphones.
Numlock doesn't work but F9 and F12 give numlock, same as in Debian. I haven't found in Manjaro where you switch keyboard settings. I also installed LXDE but I haven't figured out how to switch yet.
dumpkeys says:
Code: keymaps 0-2,4-6,8-9,12
keycode 1 = Escape
alt keycode 1 = Meta_Escape
shift alt keycode 1 = Meta_Escape
control alt keycode 1 = Meta_Escape
keycode 2 = one exclam
alt keycode 2 = Meta_one
shift alt keycode 2 = Meta_exclam
keycode 3 = two quotedbl at
control keycode 3 = nul
alt keycode 3 = Meta_two
shift alt keycode 3 = Meta_quotedbl
control alt keycode 3 = Meta_nul
keycode 4 = three
control keycode 4 = Escape
alt keycode 4 = Meta_three
keycode 5 = four dollar dollar
control keycode 5 = Control_backslash
alt keycode 5 = Meta_four
shift alt keycode 5 = Meta_dollar
control alt keycode 5 = Meta_Control_backslash
keycode 6 = five percent
control keycode 6 = Control_bracketright
alt keycode 6 = Meta_five
shift alt keycode 6 = Meta_percent
keycode 7 = six asciicircum
control keycode 7 = Control_asciicircum
alt keycode 7 = Meta_six
shift alt keycode 7 = Meta_asciicircum
keycode 8 = seven ampersand braceleft
control keycode 8 = Control_underscore
alt keycode 8 = Meta_seven
shift alt keycode 8 = Meta_ampersand
control alt keycode 8 = Meta_Control_underscore
keycode 9 = eight asterisk bracketleft
control keycode 9 = Delete
alt keycode 9 = Meta_eight
shift alt keycode 9 = Meta_asterisk
control alt keycode 9 = Meta_Delete
keycode 10 = nine parenleft bracketright
alt keycode 10 = Meta_nine
shift alt keycode 10 = Meta_parenleft
keycode 11 = zero parenright braceright
alt keycode 11 = Meta_zero
shift alt keycode 11 = Meta_parenright
keycode 12 = minus underscore backslash
control keycode 12 = Control_underscore
alt keycode 12 = Meta_minus
shift alt keycode 12 = Meta_underscore
control alt keycode 12 = Meta_Control_underscore
keycode 13 = equal plus
alt keycode 13 = Meta_equal
shift alt keycode 13 = Meta_plus
keycode 14 = Delete
control keycode 14 = Control_underscore
alt keycode 14 = Meta_Delete
shift alt keycode 14 = Meta_Delete
control alt keycode 14 = Meta_Control_underscore
keycode 15 = Tab
shift keycode 15 = Meta_Tab
alt keycode 15 = Meta_Tab
control alt keycode 15 = Meta_Tab
keycode 16 = q
keycode 17 = w
keycode 18 = e
keycode 19 = r
keycode 20 = t
keycode 21 = y
keycode 22 = u
keycode 23 = i
keycode 24 = o
keycode 25 = p
keycode 26 = bracketleft braceleft
control keycode 26 = Escape
alt keycode 26 = Meta_bracketleft
shift alt keycode 26 = Meta_braceleft
keycode 27 = bracketright braceright asciitilde
control keycode 27 = Control_bracketright
alt keycode 27 = Meta_bracketright
shift alt keycode 27 = Meta_braceright
control alt keycode 27 = Meta_Control_bracketright
keycode 28 = Return
alt keycode 28 = Meta_Control_m
keycode 29 = Control
keycode 30 = a
keycode 31 = s
keycode 32 = d
keycode 33 = f
keycode 34 = g
keycode 35 = h
keycode 36 = j
keycode 37 = k
keycode 38 = l
keycode 39 = semicolon colon
alt keycode 39 = Meta_semicolon
shift alt keycode 39 = Meta_colon
keycode 40 = apostrophe at
control keycode 40 = Control_g
shift control keycode 40 = nul
alt keycode 40 = Meta_apostrophe
shift alt keycode 40 = Meta_at
keycode 41 = grave
altgr keycode 41 = bar
control keycode 41 = nul
alt keycode 41 = Meta_grave
control alt keycode 41 = Meta_nul
keycode 42 = Shift
keycode 43 = numbersign asciitilde
control keycode 43 = Control_backslash
alt keycode 43 = Meta_numbersign
shift alt keycode 43 = Meta_asciitilde
keycode 44 = z
keycode 45 = x
keycode 46 = c
keycode 47 = v
keycode 48 = b
keycode 49 = n
keycode 50 = m
keycode 51 = comma less
alt keycode 51 = Meta_comma
shift alt keycode 51 = Meta_less
keycode 52 = period greater
alt keycode 52 = Meta_period
shift alt keycode 52 = Meta_greater
keycode 53 = slash question
control keycode 53 = Delete
alt keycode 53 = Meta_slash
shift alt keycode 53 = Meta_question
keycode 54 = Shift
keycode 55 = KP_Multiply
altgr keycode 55 = Hex_C
keycode 56 = Alt
keycode 57 = space
control keycode 57 = nul
alt keycode 57 = Meta_space
shift alt keycode 57 = Meta_space
control alt keycode 57 = Meta_nul
keycode 58 = Caps_Lock
keycode 59 = F1 F13 Console_13
control keycode 59 = F25
alt keycode 59 = Console_1
control alt keycode 59 = Console_1
keycode 60 = F2 F14 Console_14
control keycode 60 = F26
alt keycode 60 = Console_2
control alt keycode 60 = Console_2
keycode 61 = F3 F15 Console_15
control keycode 61 = F27
alt keycode 61 = Console_3
control alt keycode 61 = Console_3
keycode 62 = F4 F16 Console_16
control keycode 62 = F28
alt keycode 62 = Console_4
control alt keycode 62 = Console_4
keycode 63 = F5 F17 Console_17
control keycode 63 = F29
alt keycode 63 = Console_5
control alt keycode 63 = Console_5
keycode 64 = F6 F18 Console_18
control keycode 64 = F30
alt keycode 64 = Console_6
control alt keycode 64 = Console_6
keycode 65 = F7 F19 Console_19
control keycode 65 = F31
alt keycode 65 = Console_7
control alt keycode 65 = Console_7
keycode 66 = F8 F20 Console_20
control keycode 66 = F32
alt keycode 66 = Console_8
control alt keycode 66 = Console_8
keycode 67 = F9 F21 Console_21
control keycode 67 = F33
alt keycode 67 = Console_9
control alt keycode 67 = Console_9
keycode 68 = F10 F22 Console_22
control keycode 68 = F34
alt keycode 68 = Console_10
control alt keycode 68 = Console_10
keycode 69 = Num_Lock
altgr keycode 69 = Hex_A
keycode 70 = Scroll_Lock Show_Memory Show_Registers
control keycode 70 = Show_State
alt keycode 70 = Scroll_Lock
keycode 71 = KP_7
altgr keycode 71 = Hex_7
alt keycode 71 = Ascii_7
keycode 72 = KP_8
altgr keycode 72 = Hex_8
alt keycode 72 = Ascii_8
keycode 73 = KP_9
altgr keycode 73 = Hex_9
alt keycode 73 = Ascii_9
keycode 74 = KP_Subtract
altgr keycode 74 = Hex_D
keycode 75 = KP_4
altgr keycode 75 = Hex_4
alt keycode 75 = Ascii_4
keycode 76 = KP_5
altgr keycode 76 = Hex_5
alt keycode 76 = Ascii_5
keycode 77 = KP_6
altgr keycode 77 = Hex_6
alt keycode 77 = Ascii_6
keycode 78 = KP_Add
altgr keycode 78 = Hex_E
keycode 79 = KP_1
altgr keycode 79 = Hex_1
alt keycode 79 = Ascii_1
keycode 80 = KP_2
altgr keycode 80 = Hex_2
alt keycode 80 = Ascii_2
keycode 81 = KP_3
altgr keycode 81 = Hex_3
alt keycode 81 = Ascii_3
keycode 82 = KP_0
altgr keycode 82 = Hex_0
alt keycode 82 = Ascii_0
keycode 83 = KP_Period
altgr control keycode 83 = Boot
control alt keycode 83 = Boot
keycode 84 = Last_Console
keycode 86 = backslash bar bar
control keycode 86 = Control_backslash
alt keycode 86 = Meta_backslash
shift alt keycode 86 = Meta_bar
control alt keycode 86 = Meta_Control_backslash
keycode 87 = F11 F23 Console_23
control keycode 87 = F35
alt keycode 87 = Console_11
control alt keycode 87 = Console_11
keycode 88 = F12 F24 Console_24
control keycode 88 = F36
alt keycode 88 = Console_12
control alt keycode 88 = Console_12
keycode 96 = KP_Enter
altgr keycode 96 = Hex_F
keycode 97 = Control
keycode 98 = KP_Divide
altgr keycode 98 = Hex_B
keycode 99 = Compose
control keycode 99 = Control_backslash
alt keycode 99 = Control_backslash
control alt keycode 99 = Meta_Control_backslash
keycode 100 = AltGr
alt keycode 100 = Compose
keycode 101 = Break
keycode 102 = Find
keycode 103 = Up
alt keycode 103 = KeyboardSignal
keycode 104 = Prior
shift keycode 104 = Scroll_Backward
keycode 105 = Left
alt keycode 105 = Decr_Console
keycode 106 = Right
alt keycode 106 = Incr_Console
keycode 107 = Select
keycode 108 = Down
keycode 109 = Next
shift keycode 109 = Scroll_Forward
keycode 110 = Insert
keycode 111 = Remove
altgr control keycode 111 = Boot
control alt keycode 111 = Boot
keycode 112 = Macro
altgr control keycode 112 = VoidSymbol
shift alt keycode 112 = VoidSymbol
keycode 113 = F13
altgr control keycode 113 = VoidSymbol
shift alt keycode 113 = VoidSymbol
keycode 114 = F14
altgr control keycode 114 = VoidSymbol
shift alt keycode 114 = VoidSymbol
keycode 115 = Help
altgr control keycode 115 = VoidSymbol
shift alt keycode 115 = VoidSymbol
keycode 116 = Do
altgr control keycode 116 = VoidSymbol
shift alt keycode 116 = VoidSymbol
keycode 117 = F17
altgr control keycode 117 = VoidSymbol
shift alt keycode 117 = VoidSymbol
keycode 118 = KP_MinPlus
altgr control keycode 118 = VoidSymbol
shift alt keycode 118 = VoidSymbol
keycode 119 = Pause
string F1 = "\033[[A"
string F2 = "\033[[B"
string F3 = "\033[[C"
string F4 = "\033[[D"
string F5 = "\033[[E"
string F6 = "\033[17~"
string F7 = "\033[18~"
string F8 = "\033[19~"
string F9 = "\033[20~"
string F10 = "\033[21~"
string F11 = "\033[23~"
string F12 = "\033[24~"
string F13 = "\033[25~"
string F14 = "\033[26~"
string F15 = "\033[28~"
string F16 = "\033[29~"
string F17 = "\033[31~"
string F18 = "\033[32~"
string F19 = "\033[33~"
string F20 = "\033[34~"
string Find = "\033[1~"
string Insert = "\033[2~"
string Remove = "\033[3~"
string Select = "\033[4~"
string Prior = "\033[5~"
string Next = "\033[6~"
string Macro = "\033[M"
string Pause = "\033[P"
compose '`' 'A' to Agrave
compose '`' 'a' to agrave
compose '\'' 'A' to Aacute
compose '\'' 'a' to aacute
compose '^' 'A' to Acircumflex
compose '^' 'a' to acircumflex
compose '~' 'A' to Atilde
compose '~' 'a' to atilde
compose '"' 'A' to Adiaeresis
compose '"' 'a' to adiaeresis
compose 'O' 'A' to Aring
compose 'o' 'a' to aring
compose '0' 'A' to Aring
compose '0' 'a' to aring
compose 'A' 'A' to Aring
compose 'a' 'a' to aring
compose 'A' 'E' to AE
compose 'a' 'e' to ae
compose ',' 'C' to Ccedilla
compose ',' 'c' to ccedilla
compose '`' 'E' to Egrave
compose '`' 'e' to egrave
compose '\'' 'E' to Eacute
compose '\'' 'e' to eacute
compose '^' 'E' to Ecircumflex
compose '^' 'e' to ecircumflex
compose '"' 'E' to Ediaeresis
compose '"' 'e' to ediaeresis
compose '`' 'I' to Igrave
compose '`' 'i' to igrave
compose '\'' 'I' to Iacute
compose '\'' 'i' to iacute
compose '^' 'I' to Icircumflex
compose '^' 'i' to icircumflex
compose '"' 'I' to Idiaeresis
compose '"' 'i' to idiaeresis
compose '-' 'D' to ETH
compose '-' 'd' to eth
compose '~' 'N' to Ntilde
compose '~' 'n' to ntilde
compose '`' 'O' to Ograve
compose '`' 'o' to ograve
compose '\'' 'O' to Oacute
compose '\'' 'o' to oacute
compose '^' 'O' to Ocircumflex
compose '^' 'o' to ocircumflex
compose '~' 'O' to Otilde
compose '~' 'o' to otilde
compose '"' 'O' to Odiaeresis
compose '"' 'o' to odiaeresis
compose '/' 'O' to Ooblique
compose '/' 'o' to oslash
compose '`' 'U' to Ugrave
compose '`' 'u' to ugrave
compose '\'' 'U' to Uacute
compose '\'' 'u' to uacute
compose '^' 'U' to Ucircumflex
compose '^' 'u' to ucircumflex
compose '"' 'U' to Udiaeresis
compose '"' 'u' to udiaeresis
compose '\'' 'Y' to Yacute
compose '\'' 'y' to yacute
compose 'T' 'H' to THORN
compose 't' 'h' to thorn
compose 's' 's' to ssharp
compose '"' 'y' to ydiaeresis
compose 's' 'z' to ssharp
compose 'i' 'j' to ydiaeresis
I think in the setup there was only one keyboard question, like country but not number of keys.
RE: Spontaneous numlock - dsimic - 04-14-2021
Quite frankly, something weird seems to be going on... Could the keyboard actually be faulty? Have you, maybe, spilled some liquid into the keyboard? Does xev print anything when you press the NumLock key? What happens when you press the NumLock key while you're on the virtual console (Ctrl+Alt+F1)?
Well, at least the built-in speakers now turn off automatically when you plug in the headphones.
RE: Spontaneous numlock - ab1jx - 04-14-2021
Last time I tired to use a virtual console in Manajro the original never came back. It was busy doing some GUI thing that was slow so I switched. When I switched back it stayed black. Like I was lookiing at a framebuffer that needed to repaint.
I don't have xev installed. I don't normally use numlock so I don't know if it works. It came on when I didn't want it.
Posting then switching consoles in case it doesn't come back again.
RE: Spontaneous numlock - dsimic - 04-14-2021
Let's see if the switching to the virtual console and back will work this time.
RE: Spontaneous numlock - ab1jx - 04-14-2021
Last time I tried to use a virtual console in Manjaro the original never came back. It was busy doing some GUI thing that was slow so I switched. When I switched back it stayed black. Like I was lookiing at a framebuffer that needed to repaint.
I don't have xev installed. I don't normally use numlock so I don't know if it works. It came on when I didn't want it.
Posting then switching consoles in case it doesn't come back again.
It didn't come back and the network's dropping out like Network Manager is running. The GUI didn't come back so I switched back to the virtual terminal and typed pkill x. Then when I did ctl-alt-F1 it gave me a GUI login box and started a new session. So opendm is running or something. I normally boot to a console then type startx. Ican actually run X and Wayland in different consoles but it's crashy that way. X and a console mostly work fine.
Let's see if I can get to the network and get this out. Firefox kept it before even though X wasn't running.
I had to disconnect then reconnect the wifi. A few times. That's bogus. MPV is running at 25% CPU, disapointing. not using the GPU enough.
RE: Spontaneous numlock - KC9UDX - 04-14-2021
You should have xev, it comes with X. Unless you're using Wayland (I don't know anything about it).
It reports keycode 77 (keysym0xff7f, Num_Lock) on mine.
Note that Manjaro is known to change your keyboard to the wrong layout by itself! You'll have to check the keyboard settings and make sure they are correct.
RE: Spontaneous numlock - ab1jx - 04-14-2021
It reports 78, Scroll_Lock on mine, but I'm back in Debian. Several of the keys in that area seem to be off by 1. Num_Lock is actually on the Print Screen key. And both Print Screen and Pause will toggle Num_Lock and cause numbers to print instead of letters.
Code: KeyPress event, serial 48, synthetic NO, window 0x2a00001,
root 0x22b, subw 0x2a00002, time 10173268, (33,37), root:(355,236),
state 0x0, keycode 78 (keysym 0xff14, Scroll_Lock), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 bytes:
XmbLookupString gives 0 bytes:
XFilterEvent returns: False
How do you change it in Manajro? I saw a couple places that I'm using a 105 key generic layout but that's as close as I got. I didn't count them but it's probably more than 101.
Just because xev comes with X it doesn't mean your distribution is going to include it. I use xwd so in Debian I have the x11-apps deb installed. I do some xlib programming sometimes, when covid was just starting to hit the US I wrote a simulator in xlib:
This will do a screen dump even over an ssh connection but it requires xwd. And it doesn't do well on frame buffers. I call it rdump.
Code: #!/bin/bash
datestr=`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M"`
echo "Saved as " $outname
echo "You have 5 seconds"
sleep 5
xwd -display ':0.0' -root -out $outname
RE: Spontaneous numlock - ab1jx - 04-14-2021
I count 78 keys. Very small number but having to push Fn so much is annoying.