Full Version: Comparison to Debian Version
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Hello everybody,

first of all a HUGE thank you to everybody who works on PostmarketOS! That is an amazing project and I see really stunning things happening.

But one thing I have notices when I compare it to the Debian + Phosh version (which you can find in another forum thread) is that they were able to adjust the form factor for many things almost ideally. Especially in Firefox this is huge, but also in other apps. 

Is there a way to collaborate a bit with them on this issue to just to "borrow" some code from them?

We know exactly what they do to make more applications fit, and currently we are not planning on doing the same. It requires taking out-of-tree custom patches from Purism and it breaks too much other stuff to make us apply it. We are considering applying it in the upcoming first stable release of postmarketOS, but we're not 100% yet.
(04-19-2020, 09:03 AM)PureTryOut Wrote: [ -> ]We know exactly what they do to make more applications fit, and currently we are not planning on doing the same. It requires taking out-of-tree custom patches from Purism and it breaks too much other stuff to make us apply it. We are considering applying it in the upcoming first stable release of postmarketOS, but we're not 100% yet.

Thank you very much for this clarification!!