Full Version: suddenly cannot boot anymore from manjaro
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I installed manjaro on my PBP two weeks ago and it worked. Yesterday my computer crashed suddenly while I was using it. Then when I rebooted it froze sometimes. So I shut it down.

Since then, it cannot boot from any manjaro image (tried KDE, xfce and i3 and also the KDE eMMC installer). I tried all those from a microSD, and had KDE installed on the eMMC.

The screen just stays black (with no brightness) while the power led is first red then green. Basically I would expect the manjaro logo to show up. I also tried waiting 1 minute before pressing escape.
I opened the case and pressed the reset button then tried again.
I also tested the microSD cards and tried disabling the eMMC to force booting from microSD.

With the i3 image, I get some error messages (see

I can boot on Debian from a microSD but the wifi works so bad I cannot use it at all. It used to work better last month (it was barely usable even with all the updates which is why I changed OS). When I tried today, it could connect to my wifi the first time then disconnected and now only shows "device not ready" (the privacy switch is not disabling wifi).

I would greatly appreciate any help to make any OS work with wifi as my main computer broke and I cannot get a new one because of the coronavirus lockdown in my country. Some people mentioned the possibility of using manjaro's firmware updates or kernel of Tobias Schramm with Debian, how would you do that?