Full Version: Slarm64 on Pinebook [Slackware Arm - 64 bit]
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A recent addition to Slackware -current upstream has rendered the old images dangerous to use if not fully informed.  Specifically, upgrading the previous images without also adding PAM and a few dependencies would result in the user being locked out of the system, even with a correct password.  In fact, this has already happened to a few users, myself included (on a quick-n-dirty test system at least).

Sun May 24 08:08:08 UTC 2020
> Hello! With this update, PAM has been merged into the main tree.
> When updating, be sure to install the new pam, cracklib, and
> libpwquality packages or you may find yourself locked out of your machine.
> Otherwise, these changes should be completely transparent and you shouldn't
> notice any obvious operational differences. Be careful if you make any changes
> in /etc/pam.d/ - leaving an extra console logged in while testing PAM config
> changes is a recommended standard procedure. Thanks again to Robby Workman,
> Vincent Batts, Phantom X, and ivandi for help implementing this.
> It's expected that there will be some more fine-tuning of the config files, but
> for now it's good to go!

Hence, it was necessary to upgrade the Slarm64 Pinebook images to avoid such a disaster for uniformed users.  Here are the updated base and xfce images, along with the md5sum files:

For those that are still running an old image and have not updated since  May 28th, you can avoid having to reinstall by installing the three packages listed above.  You can also do this from a chrooted environment if you need to save a locked system.

Just doing my part to keep things updated...
taken from the mainstream kernel source, leaving only patches for the A64 and pinebook.
Please check the output on LCD and WIFI when loading.
The latest images based on the 5.6.19 kernel are the most "stable" images I have seen in about 8 months.  Here are backup images to compliment mara's hosted images above:





Time to update the base system on my 128GB eMMC.   Cool

Oh, and here is a new (sub)domain for kernels and other packages (the previous domain is going away in 2021):
5.6.19 kernels with Bleeding Tooth patch *AND* working Wi-Fi (no wi-fi on previous images, oops):


I have been testing these, and so far I may have noticed some unusual Xorg behavior, but it is not quite reproducible yet, so I will keep testing.  I suggest anyone that uses these test them thoroughly.
Amazing work with this, thank you!

I'm very, very, happy to say, if you swap out the kernel and modules, it can run on the PinePhone too!
Ha, awesome to hear that it works on the PinePhone!  I have not bought one of those yet, but if I did I would probably try the same thing.  Nice work acid andy!  Cool

A few updates after testing my "stable" 5.6.19 images (above) for a while.

1)  You need to make sure that your user is in the gpio group for the LCD brightness script to  work right.  I think I forgot to mention that in the main post.

2)  Sometimes, for unknown reasons, if the X server goes to sleep, it does not come back on fully.  The backlight comes on, but the display never kicks back on.  I get a backlit black screen.  I have to leave it for a long time for this to happen, and it does not happen all the time.  A temporary workaround is to run the command:

xset s off -dpms

as a startup command in whatever DE/WM you are using (in my case, JWM).  This keeps the display from going to sleep at all.  That command might be overkill, perhaps only one or the other options is needed.  But this way, I can manually lock my screen or start a blank screensaver with a key shortcut and it comes back on every time reliably now.  So, the 5.6.19 kernel does not play well with X and energy star settings, or something like that.  I did not have this issue with the 5.5.19 kernel that I upgraded from, but it seems like a simple-enough bug to workaround, so I have not investigated any further.  Nothing is showing up in Xorg.0.log at least.

If anyone has a better fix, I would love to hear it.

Other than those two points, this 5.6.19 "stable" image has been working nicely for me.  YMMV, as always.
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