Full Version: PINEPHONE SPECS: Isn't 18:9 == 2:1? and as it is a RATIO, isn't simplified better?
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First THANKS for this amazing project that is Pinephone
I am not brave or rich enough to be brave.
But I will buy one.

I love the bet for the 2:1 screen ratio
I would even love more the same bet all over the product line
Also an additional 3:1 screen offer for those that prefer landscape view.
But I do not like reading 18:9 and not 2:1 as if it were a 16+:9 option.

Please, change 18:9 in the specs for 2:1 or at least add (2:1) after that nonsense 
- in my opinion - of using multipliers for ratios.
Daft as it seems, that's become the industry standard way to specify it, and this is far from the first phone to use it. It's like 16:10 monitors, presumably so people can more easily compare with 16:9, or perhaps because bigger numbers are 'better' in specs. Whatever the reason, if you're aiming to have the specs comparable to other phones it needs to stay 18:9.