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Have my Pinephone.  Modem reports -113 dBm but outside can be -70dBm.  I want to use the Pinephone on PagePlusCellular as 3G.  I currently use an Incredible 2 on cdma with an amplifier.  Since the cell tower is only a mile away but there's a hill blocking, I have a yagi antenna pointed 45° away and get signals to and from by bouncing off a hill in that direction.  I would be happy to buy an amplifier that can do Verizon 3G as PPC uses the Verizon network.  Can this be done?  Any recommendations appreciated.  I also have a 2 meter loop antenna that's no longer used from my amateur radio days if that could be any use.  Thanks.

(02-09-2020, 01:05 PM)soyrunner Wrote: [ -> ]Have my Pinephone.  Modem reports -113 dBm but outside can be -70dBm.  I want to use the Pinephone on PagePlusCellular as 3G.  I currently use an Incredible 2 on cdma with an amplifier.  Since the cell tower is only a mile away but there's a hill blocking, I have a yagi antenna pointed 45° away and get signals to and from by bouncing off a hill in that direction.  I would be happy to buy an amplifier that can do Verizon 3G as PPC uses the Verizon network.  Can this be done?  Any recommendations appreciated.  I also have a 2 meter loop antenna that's no longer used from my amateur radio days if that could be any use.  Thanks.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the chip in the phone is GSM based only, and 3G verizon uses cdma.
Years ago when I bought my amplifier I first bought one that was a wrong fit, a GSM 950MHz. I just hooked that up to my yagi and indoor antenna, fired it up and got no signal registered on the pinephone modem. So, whatever it was putting out is wrong for the pinephone even with antennas for another frequency range.

I thought I read the specs included a type of cdma.