Full Version: [BraveHeart] Modem not working
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Just got my PinePhone and I opened up the factory tests just to make sure everything works. All the tests pass except for the modem, which either gets stuck on "Waiting for modem" or (occasionally) displays firmware and IMEI numbers but doesn't progress further. I also set up UBPorts on an SD card, which says it can't detect a SIM despite one being present. Does anyone have any clever suggestions of things to try or possible culprits?
Does your SIM require a PIN to unlock it? Neither the factory tests nor UBPorts support unlocking the SIM yet.
i tried it with my ATT sim which i thought was unlocked but i might be wrong. i tried with my previous ATT sim which should have been unlocked, and also with a Ting (GSM) sim and the phone showed no sim.. when i used these sims in other phones (iphone/pixel) it would say no service or even connect to ATT network just no phone calls or data.

so is the "no sim found" the expected results for right now then?
Okay, trying to dig in a little more here:

It's my understanding that the modem is a USB device. I've got four USB ttys showing up in /dev, but connecting with screen at 115200 baud doesn't seem to do anything. My previous experience with 2G modems was that they would echo my commands, but maybe the PinePhone's doesn't?

Also weird: running nmcli d gives

DEVICE        TYPE      STATE        CONNECTION                     
wlan0         wifi      connected    XXXXXXXXXX
quectelqmi_0  gsm       unavailable  --                             
lo            loopback  unmanaged    --   

Any diagnostics I should try? I got it to work once, briefly, in the factory tests (which confirms that my SIM works with this modem) but since then I haven't gotten any connectivity within either the tests or Ubuntu Touch.
I've sent commands to the modem manually via ttyUSB2 and it doesn't echo what you enter. I used picocom and turned on local echo to see what I was doing. ttyUSB1 is where the NMEA output appears at 9600 if you enable it via the AT commands on ttyUSB2.