Full Version: Official News from UBPorts ? ?
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I am wondering if someone working at UBPorts would be interested in posting on our Pine Phone Forum  ?

I for one would appreciate any inside information they can give here.

More than willing to make a PayPal donation to help their "Cause"

     Thanks  !
I don't know if there is anything official yet, but today the repository for tracking issues was opened on GitLab. Tis a good first sign of progress, and hopefully the issues standing in the way of daily use can be solved once more people can participate.

I have sent a few 'PayPal' Donations to the UBPorts website hopefully contributing to the Project...
Hopefully they will assign more Developers to the Brave Heart/Pine Phone software development Team.

(Febuary, 07, 2020)

*update :

Made another 'Donation' to UBPorts using PayPal this evening,
with a note ..... "for Pinephone/Brave Heart Development"

Trying to make up for my lack of Linux skill, and still contribute to the Project.
how much did you donate?
What kind of information are you trying to get?

Disclosure: Not a UBPorts dev. Just interested in the project and have been spending some spare time reviewing the internals.
just curiosity. I never thought people really donate money for something like this... I could understand 1 euro/dollar, maybe 5... I do not know...
They have changed the compression of their OS file download,  Balena etcher freezes when I attempt to flash it to an sd card ?

(07-22-2020, 03:33 PM)natasha Wrote: [ -> ]just curiosity. I never thought people really donate money for something like this... I could understand 1 euro/dollar, maybe 5... I do not know...

The Developers spend a lot of hours working on the software,   am just trying to show appreciation.

I am good at many things,  unfortunately understanding or writing code is not one of those things.!