Full Version: Pine64 on Tapatalk
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Has anyone else had issues loading forums and threads in Tapatalk? When I select the forums using the logo, and then proceed to Forums, no threads ever populate. I can see notifications and recent posts/replies from the Home screen, but I cannot actually browse any of the forums.
Yes. This has been my experience since the website/forum software update. Other forums I subscribe to continue to work okay.

Sent from my moto x4 using Tapatalk
I have that issue as well.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I did some quick research into it when I first noticed it, and most of the Tapatalk support threads indicate it may lie in the settings/permissions of the forums. I know some of them won't be as available in the immediate future, but I'll try reaching out to the Pine staff.
Can any of the admins take a look at this? Thanks
could you take a look at it?
I've updated the Tapatalk plugin. I don't use Tapatalk (to be honest, I thought it was a platform no one used anymore). Can someone test it?
Success! Thanks, ! Tapatalk now shows threads when navigating the forums!
I can confirm it works on my side as well. Thanks for the update!