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I wonder if we would be able to replace the included panel with a touch screen one?

(08-10-2019, 07:55 AM)Jcarlos Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if we would be able to replace the included panel with a touch screen one?


Interesting question.

One thing that is needed for a new input device, is the hardware input port. We'd have to look at the schematics of the Pinebook Pro and see what was available. Without looking, the only un-used internal I/O that I know of, are the PCIe lanes, 4 of them. (I don't know if touch panels use separate I/O from the display I/O.)

A nice thing about open designs is that you actually do get to see the schematics and block diagrams. Plus we can request design changes for version 2 of the system board. Like bringing out un-used I/O ports to board connectors. (Instead of having to solder to board traces or chip pins.) This is one of my personal projects, get to know Pinebook Pro's internals.
Well there is no TP port on the PCB, so I cannot see how you'd do that.
It is possible to transfer touch data via DisplayPort AUX.

Though I don't know if rk3399 can handle this well.
Some touchscreens have a separate eDP connector for the display and USB cable for the touch (can come in different forms, such as FPC, etc.), so if you were desperate to attach a touchscreen, you could connect such a touchscreen in place of one of the external USB ports (I'm assuming there aren't any spare/unused USB connections exposed anywhere inside).

Problems with this approach:
  • * Routing the touch USB cable out of the screen into the base.
  • * One less USB port, unless you can find space to squeeze a hub in.
You could use a nano hub prob can squeeze it inside and reroute an external port.