Full Version: slarm64 (unofficial slackware) ROCKPro64 RK3399 (aarch64)
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support for slarm64 for rockpro64 development boards (aarch64 unofficial port slackware)
the system can be assembled as armhf and aarch64, assemblies are made under aarch64

         forum: linuxquestions

first release:
I installed os on my pro and would like to know how to connect to wifi

tried in supplicant
   ssid="Your SSID Here"

also variuos variations of
ip link set wlan0 up
    iwconfig wlan0 essid your_essid key your_key
It dettects wireless adaptor and if I iwcinfig does show  network availble but cant get it to connect its a WPA2

wpa_gui throws an error

also if posible is it posible to fix screen overscan?

looks nice just really not able to connect to wifi my ignorance is quite a fallback could you point me the way to connect to a wpa2 wireless network?
(11-27-2018, 03:24 PM)NightCrawler504 Wrote: [ -> ]I installed os on my pro and would like to know how to connect to wifi

tried in supplicant
   ssid="Your SSID Here"

also variuos variations of
ip link set wlan0 up
    iwconfig wlan0 essid your_essid key your_key
It dettects wireless adaptor and if I iwcinfig does show  network availble but cant get it to connect its a WPA2

wpa_gui throws an error

also if posible is it posible to fix screen overscan?

looks nice just really not able to connect to wifi my ignorance is quite a fallback could you point me the way to connect to a wpa2 wireless network?

1. in the file /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf register
   ssid="Your SSID Here"

2. in the /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf file, uncomment the lines:

3. restart the /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 service as:
/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 restart
/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 wlan0_up

Quote:also if posible is it posible to fix screen overscan?

it's not quite clear how this manifests itself, I pretend that I need in the settings of XFCE -> window manager (optional) -> effects -> enable effects
Added Slackware Aarch64 Miniroot (ROCKPro64) 20181126 on Wiki and PINE64 Installer.
Added Slackware Aarch64 XFCE (ROCKPro64) 20181126 on Wiki and PINE64 Installer.
Did the above throws me:

wlan0 information: 'Any ESSID'
Error for wireless request "Set Nickname" (8B1C) :
Set failed on device wlan0: operation not supported
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT] : Invalid arguement
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT] : Invalid arguement
Timed out
Dhcp exited
(11-28-2018, 05:27 PM)NightCrawler504 Wrote: [ -> ]Did the above throws me:

wlan0 information: 'Any ESSID'
Error for wireless request "Set Nickname" (8B1C) :
Set failed on device wlan0: operation not supported
Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT] : Invalid arguement
ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT] : Invalid arguement
Timed out
Dhcp exited
try the options with the driver (uncomment):
[quote pid='42819' dateline='1543450259']

Error persists have no idea what's wrong guess I'll just wait some one gets it right ask them to upload a suplicant and inet1 file, I'm using wpa2 on aes, tried 3 wireless USB adapters and its difficult to post and extract errors without internet since for some reason usb 3 port seems to not pick up wireless adapter nor USB memory card, thanks anyway looks like a solid project hope it becomes noob friendly Big Grin
there is an updated kernel, with sdio0 (wifi) enabled and pmic fixed

download kernel-*-rk3399-4.4.166-aarch64-1mara.txz

kernel update:

upgradepkg kernel-*-rk3399-4.4.166-aarch64-1mara.txz
Quick question... does the designware i2s audio driver (modprobe dw_hdmi_i2s_audio) work properly in that 4.4.166?
Because all ayufan kernels higher than 4.4.138 have serious HDMI/i2s audio issues, so I've been stuck at 4.4.138-1100 since I first got this board.
There's dmesg errors about "i2s: fail to clear" or something like that, haven't tried to solve it in a month+.
Then again, I actually thought that might have been because of ayufan's DTB and the frequencies in it.

Is someone able to confirm dw_hdmi_i2s_audio works ok?
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