Full Version: Installing the latest kernel (Debian Stretch) + configuring the bootloader?
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Does anyone have any idea how exactly to go about this procedure? I mean, I managed to build kernel 4.15.5 from the vanilla sources, and I'm aware of what I'd do next on an x86-64 machine (make a .deb package, install it)...but, and this is the part that throws me for a loop, I'd normally just run update grub and reboot. I've looked in the /boot partition, and I'm feeling the process might be a little more complex here...I see a label for kernel-4.4 in extlinux.conf, but nothing immediately in the way of tools for adding to this file a new image...
The 'correct' way to do this is like ayufan does to make a debian package and then use flash-kernel to update the things in /boot and /lib/modules... I usually do it quick and dirty when I try things out and just copy Image to /boot/efi and the modules to /lib/modules manually... but make backups before you do that in case your new kernel doesn't work as expected or something goes wrong while moving the files around... 

I guess with more and more people building their own configs and kernel versions, we need to write some tutorial on how to do that on ARM boards, but it's not really different from PC's, just that usually there is u-boot instead of grub and the additional issue of updating the dtb (devicetree) in case there were changes in the hardware config...
(02-25-2018, 03:42 PM)xalius Wrote: [ -> ]The 'correct' way to do this is like ayufan does to make a debian package and then use flash-kernel to update the things in /boot and /lib/modules... I usually do it quick and dirty when I try things out and just copy Image to /boot/efi and the modules to /lib/modules manually... but make backups before you do that in case your new kernel doesn't work as expected or something goes wrong while moving the files around... 

I guess with more and more people building their own configs and kernel versions, we need to write some tutorial on how to do that on ARM boards, but it's not really different from PC's, just that usually there is u-boot instead of grub and the additional issue of updating the dtb (devicetree) in case there were changes in the hardware config...

Hmm. Will do. On another note, how does one manually create / install a new initrd image? The usual tools seem to be missing from the depo.

Normally, I'd just:
make-kpkg --initrd --revision=1.0.custom kernel_image

But make-kpkg seems to be missing.
(02-25-2018, 03:42 PM)xalius Wrote: [ -> ]The 'correct' way to do this is like ayufan does to make a debian package and then use flash-kernel to update the things in /boot and /lib/modules...

I know is a dummy question (sorry), but can you explain how to do "like ayufan does"?