Full Version: Kickstarter Limited PINE64 T-Shirt - $999 shipping cost to Poland
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Some bug is present in the current backerkit survey. As topic title says, t-shirt has some ridiculous shipping cost - $999. I hope we can edit survey later when it is fixed Sad
(02-18-2016, 03:37 AM)logrus Wrote: [ -> ]Some bug is present in the current backerkit survey. As topic title says, t-shirt has some ridiculous shipping cost - $999. I hope we can edit survey later when it is fixed Sad

I hope so too. Currently the Pine clothing and the LiPo battery pack will not ship outside of the USA. From the Backerkit survey page:

T-shirt - "Limited Edition PINE64 Shirt - Available only for Kickstarter pledgers through Backerkit. USA Shipping Address only."

Hoodie - "Printed in USA. Due to production and shipping capability, this product can only currently ship to USA."

LiPo battery - Currently only available to USA for individual boards, and Shipping internationally for IoT, Media Box, and Playbox packages."
when LiPo battery will be available in Europe ?
(02-18-2016, 06:44 AM)hazerty Wrote: [ -> ]when LiPo battery will be available in Europe ?

It depends when carriers decide to start shipping them in bulk again. Due to the scares with those 'hoverboard' batteries catching fire, carriers are understandably reluctant to transport batteries at the moment.