Full Version: pinetab2 hardware is not very good
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I’ve been successfully using my PT2 daily at work, since it’s been released; it’s become a replacement for my PBP, due to the smaller form factor.

I don’t mind the tethering/using my own hot-spot, as once I connect to public/government WIFI, my privacy rights are gone according to the EUGDPR and everything is monitored.
I use mine for Youtube, reading kindle books (Waydroid), web browsing, etc. It feels a little on the sluggish side, but not unusably so as long as I try to be smart about what I run on it. Ubuntu Touch felt more responsive to me (and already ships with a wifi driver that can be enabled with one command), so I've just been running that off the SD card.

I did overclock my Pinetab 2, which seemed to help a little. These Cortex A55 cores just aren't made to be fast, they're marginally better than the Cortex A53 (which helps), but they're not P-cores. I did publish a guide here on the forums on how to overclock it if anyone else wants to try (of course, this is at your own risk, but it was a fairly easy overclock for me and has given me no stability or thermal problems).
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