Full Version: Proximity lock on Plasma Mobile
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I've been testing Plasma Mobile a few times, and there are quite a few things I do like better than on Phosh, but I always end up considering it unsuitable for serious use as a phone because of one major issue: the screen doesn't turn off or even lock when putting the phone on the ear during a phone call! The screens stays on and your ear can randomly open menus and change settings by touching the screen. I'm really surprised that this still doesn't work, as it's a rather basic and vital feature of any phone UI.

On Phosh, the screen stays on but gets locked and blanked when the proximity sensor is covered. That's not ideal, but usable.

On sxmo and Gnome Mobile, it gets properly turned off.

Is there something I didn't figure out to enable the feature, or is the proximity sensor really not supported by Plasma Mobile?