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Arch Linux - How do I terminate a running app? I assume that if several apps are loaded then perhaps there is not sufficient RAM for the next one to open.
(07-01-2023, 12:32 AM)ionmich Wrote: [ -> ]Arch Linux - How do I terminate a running app? I assume that if several apps are loaded then perhaps there is not sufficient RAM for the next one to open.

 you sweep it up to minimize it and up again to close it

 at least in phosh

(07-01-2023, 04:55 AM)shulamy Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-01-2023, 12:32 AM)ionmich Wrote: [ -> ]Arch Linux - How do I terminate a running app? I assume that if several apps are loaded then perhaps there is not sufficient RAM for the next one to open.

 you sweep it up to minimize it and up again to close it

 at least in phosh


Thanks, I'll try that.
kde you hit the cross button, couldn't be any easier.
Yes, the Plasma Mobile solution is much more discoverable. I understand the wish to save a few pixels of the small screen by removing or narrowing the bottom bar, but I think gestures only is a really poor default because it is not discoverable. If you really want that, Plasma Mobile actually supports that too (since June 2022, about the same time Phosh introduced it too; just go to Settings, Shell, Navigation Panel: Gesture-only Mode), but it is a bad default for unsuspecting users. And in Phosh, they have not even completely eliminated the bottom bar, which is the whole point of gestures-only navigation. And Phosh does not even give you an option, they just force the default design on you, which is why I dislike UIs designed by GNOME developers.