Full Version: Using headphones? Here's how to turn off the speaker!
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Step one: If you don't have alsamixer installed do so with the following command:

sudo pacman -S alsa-utils

Step two: Open alsamixer in the terminal with the following commmand:


Step three: Press the f6 key, press the down arrow until the default device PineTab is highlighted and press enter

Step four: press the right arrow key until speaker is highlighted.  Then press the M key to mute.

Experimentally, this doesn't seem to persist between reboots, so you don't have to undo it unless you want to use the speakers again without rebooting.  Just repeat the steps, as the M key toggles the mute status.

Also, this post was made on my PineTab 2.  Assuming my cat doesn't unplug my wifi dongle...
After making this post it was pointed out to me there were some terminal one-liners that could acomplish that after you have the alsa-utils installed.  For the sake of completeness and ease of use I am including them here.

To mute the speakers:
amixer -c 0 sset Speakers,0 muted

To unute them:
amixer -c 0 sset Speakers,0 unmuted

Also, I have been informed how to put images in my posts. so I will include some screen shots of the first method I used:
