Full Version: [Mobian] : Battery consumption and driver/middleware compatibility
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I have bought a pinephone and the battery consumption is too high.

As i good understand, pinephone have a SoC AllWine A64 and that's why it drain a lot of battery and warm.

The advantage of this SoC is good supported linux mainlines.

With the pinephone pro, the Rockchip RK3399S SoC is an ARM. In theorical, it drain less battery.
It's right ?

What is the level compatiblity of pinephone pro with Mobian OS ?
-linux mainlines
-basic features

Thank a lot for your feedback
One topic would have been enough.

Reposting my answer here:
The Allwinner A64 is also an ARM SoC. The PinePhone Pro's SoC actually drains more battery. But it is also significantly faster.