Full Version: PPkeyboard oddities with top row characters on "dreemurrs-embedded / Pine64-Arch"
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So I recently installed arch on on my Pinephone (not pro), and tried to use the keyboard which was fine except the top row characters ( - _ + = ~ etc), I don't know exactly what i did but it fixed it for me.

I updated my ppkb's firmware to 1.3 here's the guide to update

I then used the bottom part of this guide this part:
Symbol Keys
With the latest version of the keyboard drivers, the Fn-symbol keys disappear. This can be fixed by:
  • Setting
    in Phosh's environment. Add the following to
  • Reboot or restart Phosh.
After this, the top row symbols will be available as L3-{0-9}. The L3 key can be configured in settings → keyboard → Alternative Characters Key.
New versions of Mobian do not launch Phosh as a systemd service. In that case the override above will not work. Instead, add the following line to
and reboot. 

I then went to (phosh) settings -> keyboard -> special character Entry -> Alternate Characters Key: and changed it to left alt

it then worked,
and it continued to work when I changed it back to the original alternate character key.

Hope this helps someone out there! Smile
Thanks for posting! I did find your post useful.