Full Version: Suggestion Required for Arduino Projects
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Hello this is Gulshan Negi
I developed too many web applications using Python, HTML, CSS, Java, JS, C and C++ including some projects. I am not too much famliar about Arduino Programming. What kind of projects as well as application I can develop using Arduino Programming or Arduino platform.
(02-16-2023, 06:52 AM)gulshan212 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello this is Gulshan Negi
I developed too many web applications using Python, HTML, CSS, Java, JS, C and C++ including some projects. I am not too much famliar about Arduino Programming. What kind of projects as well as application I can develop using Arduino Programming or Arduino platform.

Well, since a few days, I was searching about it on Google and I found this post where the author listed some cool and funny Arduino projects but it became overwhelming to choose the best one, can anyone give their suggestions on this? 