Full Version: experience: pinephone keyboard drains pp battery faster?
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i've had some weirdness with my pinephone keyboard. (might be my fault but just reporting/checking)

and i don't know if its because i did something wrong or something else.

Here is my experience:

with the keyboard attached the battery drains faster then without.

-without the keyboard my pp is still alive after a nights sleep
-with it's usually almost dead, the main battery completely drained and the keyboard battery very low

other things:
-the charging seems very slow through the keyboard
-pp also seems to run hotter more often with the keyboard attached (warmer to the touch then normal)

Now i have to admit, when i got the keyboard i was excited and hooked it to the pp and attached the dock + charger via the pp's usb-c (yup didn't read the manual lol)
Not sure if that is what caused this. but it could be.

has anybody else had this experience? is there a way to verify that i messed up the hardware? or any fixes?

Unfortunately your keyboard's charging circuit has probably died. It's happened to quite a few of us if you look around the forum:

To test or fix the hardware you'd need to be good with a multimeter and soldering iron. I'd been thinking about buying a small charge controller circuit to try and repair mine but I don't have the time at the moment.

As my keyboard is definitely broken, I admit I now do charge through the phone's USB-C port, but do that at your own risk and I wouldn't leave it unsupervised in case the keyboard circuit overheats. My keyboard battery never charges up anymore but it still works as a keyboard when the phone is charged.
(02-11-2023, 12:39 PM)acid andy Wrote: [ -> ]Unfortunately your keyboard's charging circuit has probably died. It's happened to quite a few of us if you look around the forum:

To test or fix the hardware you'd need to be good with a multimeter and soldering iron. I'd been thinking about buying a small charge controller circuit to try and repair mine but I don't have the time at the moment.

As my keyboard is definitely broken, I admit I now do charge through the phone's USB-C port, but do that at your own risk and I wouldn't leave it unsupervised in case the keyboard circuit overheats. My keyboard battery never charges up anymore but it still works as a keyboard when the phone is charged.

Taking the keyboard apart, you can unscrew the board to take a look to see if the chip appears fried.

If so, you can find replacement keyboard mainboards for $9.99: