Full Version: Watchmate doesn't connect to PT anymore
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I'm not sure if this should be posted somewhere under Pinephone...

I am running postmarketOS on the Pinephone and Watchmate to
connect my PineTime.
Until recently I was happy with this. Everything worked fine.

Now, Watchmate sees the PineTime as a bluetooth device, but it
doesn't connect to it. I just get an updated screen of available
bluetooth devices.

I regularly run updates on the PinePhone and recently upgraded
my PineTime to 1.11.0. Therefore I can't exactly tell, since when
it stoppd working.

Does anyone have a hint, what I could do about this or is it eventually
known, that 1.11.0 has issues concerning bluetooth?

Hi, WatchMate developer here. Sorry, I don't check this forum regularly, and I noticed your question only now. I think the best place to post it would be WatchMate issue tracker, this is also where I would see it immediately.

For now I don't really have an idea what's happening. If the issue is still there, it would be helpful if you could run it from the terminal and share the logs, ideally with RUST_LOG=watchmate=debug environment variable. I.e., if you're using flatpak package, run it as following:

flatpak run --env=RUST_LOG=watchmate=debug io.gitlab.azymohliad.WatchMate


RUST_LOG=watchmate=debug watchmate

Also, bluez version (bluetoothctl --version) could be helpful to know.

You can reply here or create an issue on Github, whichever you prefer (I subscribed for response notifications here).