Full Version: No sms receival on Arch Phosh Pinephone
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I was fine up until a few days ago until I noticed that I wasn't receiving any sms messages even though I could download and upload using my sim card data.

I'm using the default phosh messaging applications and haven't really altered mobile connections in any way that could alter sms performance that I haven't already tried turning on/off in attempt of getting sms to work again.

Is this a problem with the messaging application, mmcli, lower level modem software, the physical modem, my service provider, or something else?
I can provide further information - this is all that seems immediately relevant after searching through other threads about similar issues.
(10-04-2022, 10:15 PM)pineuser0 Wrote: [ -> ]I was fine up until a few days ago until I noticed that I wasn't receiving any sms messages even though I could download and upload using my sim card data.

Check your modem to see if it is "Clogged". Every once in a while my modem gets backed up.

Here are the commands I use:

List all the messages in the modem (this will give you a number use it in place of the XX)
mmcli -m any --messaging-list-sms

Delete message in the modem
sudo mmcli -m any --messaging-delete-sms=XX

This used to restart the modem (you should not need this)
sudo systemctl restart eg25-manager.service
It's possible your modem is full (see this report) but mmcli commands won't do anything about it.  You'll need to use minicom or picocom to send AT+CPMS? to the modem at /dev/ttyUSB2. A response like
+CPMS: "ME",2,99,"MT",2,99,"MT",2,99
means there are 2 messages out of a maximum of 99 in the modem. If the modem is full, you can purge it with AT+CMGD=,2
If it's not full then the problem lies elsewhere.