Full Version: Posible manufacturing problem with Premium Aluminum Casing.
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I've just assembled my RocKPro64 with button battery backup in the ROCKPro64 PREMIUM ALUMINUM CASING.  There seems to be one problem.  The casing is very precise in all but one dimension.  The slot milled in the side to accept the microSD card is far too low.  There is no way that the card can be angled so as even to begin to enter the slot on the board.  I double checked everything carefully, and when assembled, all other openings are very precisely where they belong.  It's almost as if the circuit board supplied was on stock far thinner than the one used when it was designed, since the card socket mounts on the bottom of the board.

Anyway, I measured the difference with my mikes, then using a flat jeweller's file, filed the top of the slot more open by .5mm(.020 inch and now everything now fits as it should!  Just a heads-up to anyone else who might be having difficulty.