Full Version: really want to use lvds flat screen displays on Pine64/Sopine
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I am porting a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 project over to run on Pine64 under Armbian due to the unavailability of Pi hardware. This app absolutely must be able to use lvds displays. It doesn't matter to me about mipi being "better", losing the ethernet port or any other of the valid reasons to not enable lvds.  Many of the posts about lvds on the forum just say "don't do it". Is there anyone out there who has made lvds work on a recent release of Armbian?

I bought one of the Pine 7 inch mipi-dsi displays just to get an idea of how a flat screen would be enabled in Armbian. It works fine, but I can't glean much information from the configuration that gives me any hints about how to make changes to switch to lvds display output. They have a device tree overlay for the dsi screen, but it mostly deals with power/backlight/etc. There's nothing in the .dtob file about dsi pre-se. I also can't find anything about how the display resolution of communicated to the software. It looks to me like the things I want to change are baked in to the driver and not supplied by device tree information, which was my previous experience with using Raspberry Pi hardware. Any help would be greatly appreciated.