Full Version: Setting up Maemo
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I managed to flash maemo on to card and boot fine. However there appears to be no way of using broswer/calls/sms. Can someone please tell me how to set this up on pinephone?
(08-02-2022, 07:11 AM)Mangled Wrote: [ -> ]hi,
I managed to flash maemo on to card and boot fine. However there appears to be no way of using broswer/calls/sms. Can someone please tell me how to set this up on pinephone?

I surf the old Maemo forum, is SMS and phonecalls working yet?
I think they had data working last year.
I would love to use Maemo-Leste(highly customized Deuvian) as I am an old Linux N900 user, and they are also compiling apps from the very rich Maemo5 catalog, but I need my pinephone to work as a phone too.
(08-02-2022, 12:20 PM)biketool Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-02-2022, 07:11 AM)Mangled Wrote: [ -> ]hi,
I managed to flash maemo on to card and boot fine. However there appears to be no way of using broswer/calls/sms. Can someone please tell me how to set this up on pinephone?

I surf the old Maemo forum, is SMS and phonecalls working yet?
I think they had data working last year.
I would love to use Maemo-Leste(highly customized Deuvian) as I am an old Linux N900 user, and they are also compiling apps from the very rich Maemo5 catalog, but I need my pinephone to work as a phone too.

On twitter the developers announced that there will be big news coming up in the next few days regarding the maemo development. Hopefully this will solve this question...
I just managed to have a Maemo Leste SD card bootable with tow-boot Smile
Standard boot -> Mobian/Phosh (from eMMC)
Tow-boot + volume down -> Maemo Leste!
(08-10-2022, 07:31 PM)jurop88 Wrote: [ -> ]I just managed to have a Maemo Leste SD card bootable with tow-boot Smile
Standard boot -> Mobian/Phosh (from eMMC)
Tow-boot + volume down -> Maemo Leste!

Are you able to get the sphone to compile? Im getting so many errors. They were suppose to make an announcement days ago and release an update. Not really sure what happened there...