Full Version: Automount SD card or USB Stick
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Using arch64/sxmo/PPP

How can I automount external storage devices?

For example when I insert an SD card from my digicam I do not find it after boot, I need to manually mount it, which sucks a bit.

What I am looking for is a simple tool which automounts external devices (as we have e.g. in Ubuntu)

Any hints very welcome ;-)
The AUR way (assuming you have yay or some other helper):

# this one creates the mounts by device label, e.g. /run/media/manjaro/MYDISKLABEL
yay -S usbmount

# OR, alternative package, same systemd based approach
# (this one creates mounts by device number, e.g. /media/manjaro/usb0...N)
yay -S automount-usb-git

Both projects appear to be unmaintained but they seem to work fine with current systemd incarnations: