Full Version: Locked out after update
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Just got my Pinephone in the mail. Installed the updates listed and now when I start the phone it shows me the K-gear background and a mouse pointer. I can move the mouse, but that's about it. I can pull up the terminal with a keyboard connected, but unsure how to get back to the GUI.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

This seems to happen a lot with new phones. It's probably easiest to reinstall the OS rather than trying to repair the existing one. This gives you the opportunity to pick a different distro if you want too.
(06-08-2022, 02:18 AM)wibble Wrote: [ -> ]This seems to happen a lot with new phones. It's probably easiest to reinstall the OS rather than trying to repair the existing one. This gives you the opportunity to pick a different distro if you want too.

I will give that a shot. Thanks so much!