Full Version: Flat-file database script for pinephone terminal
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For anyone interested, the simple flat-file database -- fields.awk -- does run perfectly well on the pinephone terminal, whether it's running Manjaro or Mobian. (Have not tested others) The code can be found here:
Make the file (fields.awk) executable, move it to /usr/local/bin, and change the name to simply "fields" or a short name of your choosing.
Run it once from the command line and it will auto create its own folders .fields/db-archive. You should see a startup display such as this:
Flat-file Database Program for Linux systems
® READ from:
(W) WRITE to:
(E) EDIT selected:
(S) SELECT a database
(T) TALLY a column in:
(N) NEW database
(F) Saved-FILES (in .fields/SEARCHES)
(X) Encrypt/Decrypt (files in .fields/db-archive)
(Q) Quit

Typing "N" or "n" will allow you to create one new database file as you're prompted to enter the number of desired fields, and a name for each field.
