Full Version: Pandora music streaming client
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So, just wanted to share a little solution i ran into for streaming music via pandora. I was toying with Beta 15 just recently and made an attempt to get pithos (pandora streaming client) working. Seems like it works out of the box pretty much. The UI leaves a bit to be desired in terms of control (no real thumbs up/down or like) but its better than nothing!

Enable SSH on your phone (systemctl start sshd) and run the following commands as the manjaro user:

mkdir ~/src && cd ~/src
sudo pacman -S git base-devel
git clone
cd pithos
makepkg -si

On the main apps menu, hit the 3 lines on thetop right and uncheck "Show only adaptive apps" and you should see a white icon with a blue note titled "pithos".

You will probably have to change the display scaling a bit to get the app to show right, however you'll probably do that anyway when setting up the phone.