Full Version: Can I rollback to 9/10/2021 on Phosh using -Syyuu?
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Hey guys, I messed up an update on my pinephone which is making calls not work.  I have monthly backups so its not a big deal but I know that some Arch based distros will let you rollback updates by using "pacman -Syyuu" and modifying a config file.  I was looking to basically do that with the Pinephone but the Manjaro Arm repos look a little different than I was expecting.  Any tips on how to do this?  
I went ahead and just restored my backup and updated properly. Its all good. If there is a method of rolling back it would be good to know for the future.
I think you are referring to the Arch Linux Archive which can be used as a repo for a specific date. I'm not aware of something like that for Manjaro ARM. But you could just manually downgrade the updated packages to an earlier version cached in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ with "sudo pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/[package]".