Full Version: Feature request: storing a contact after they call you
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It would be great if Manjaro w/ Phosh could make it easy for a user to create a new phone contact immediately after someone calls you, using the caller's number without having to reenter it.

At the moment when someone calls, I reach for pen & paper and write down their number, then manually create a new contact then type in the details from my notes. This would be a small but important feature worth adding that would improve the user experience enormously for those of us using the pinephone as a "daily driver". 

Thanks in advance, and overall great job with the OS and the whole Pinephone project. I'll be making a video review soon, now that I consider it suitable for regular daily use. It's come a long way in the past year, so high fives all round!  Big Grin
The forum is really the wrong place to be making feature requests. The issue tracker of the relevant project would be better - assuming there isn't already an issue for that feature request. In this case that would be
Thanks Wibble.  Big Grin