Full Version: Announcement: OMV (OpenMediaVault) for PINE64
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(09-18-2016, 01:08 AM)krhsiang Wrote: [ -> ]great ... only has about 1.5Mb/s or less

Well, I wouldn't call that great. In case using the ethtool call mentioned here greatly improves performance you know that you're affected by the GbE issue too:

In case performance still sucks I would check performance relevant settings (/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor) and storage performance individually (do an 'sudo apt-get install iozone3' and test your storage individually -- counterfeit/fraud flash storage does exist and that's the reason why some distros provide tools to check that, with Armbian for example it's a simple 'armbianmonitor -c /mountpoint/of/your/thumbdrive')
Im actually trying to use the latest release to do incremental timemachine backups, as the main backup has already been done to save time.
It appears that the included kernel does not support HFSplus.  Any ideas?
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