Full Version: first use - asking for passcode which i never set - help!
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I got a PinePhone  "Manjaro" a few months ago. As I was not ready to use it I thought I should charge the battery in the mean time.
Now that I have a SIM to use I put it in the phone. Now the screen comes up asking for a "passcode" number which i never set in the first place.
How do I reset this or what else do I do to get past this problem?
Thanks - Crawford.
(07-27-2021, 04:58 AM)CrawfordLV Wrote: [ -> ]I got a PinePhone  "Manjaro" a few months ago... ...Now the screen comes up asking for a "passcode" number which i never set in the first place.

If you have such "old" PinePhone, then the default password was "123456". Newer Manjaro Plasma Mobile comes with the fisttime setup wizard during what the password is set. Not sure about Manjaro Phosh.
However - it would be easier if you make a fresh start with recent operating system build. Manjaro Pinephone Images are here:
(07-27-2021, 08:30 AM)acrux Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2021, 04:58 AM)CrawfordLV Wrote: [ -> ]I got a PinePhone  "Manjaro" a few months ago... ...Now the screen comes up asking for a "passcode" number which i never set in the first place.

If you have such "old" PinePhone, then the default password was "123456". Newer Manjaro Plasma Mobile comes with the fisttime setup wizard during what the password is set. Not sure about Manjaro Phosh.
However - it would be easier if you make a fresh start with recent operating system build. Manjaro Pinephone Images are here:

ACRUX - thank you that worked! much appreciated. Now I am trying to get it to recognize the SIM. Ive been using Ubuntu for years on PC devices but a total Nooby to the Linux phone. THANK YOU.