Full Version: How To: Custom Scaling between 100% - 200% but for Manjaro Phosh
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Hey again.  I recently posted a howto in the Mobian side of the forum.  I wanted to post the same howto on the Manjaro side with the changes that were made to make it work on this side.  (Please note that these ideas originated from others working with the Librem 5.  I only adapted it to work with Manjaro. Please give credit to those who it is due in the link at the end.  Also note that I am in no way an expert and am much more comfortable with Debian based systems.  I am fairly new to Arch so if you know a more efficient way to complete the same task feel free to post below Smile .)

In the end what I was attempting worked so with that out of the way lets begin!

Step one. 
Install git.

sudo pacman -Syyu
sudo pacman -git

Step two.  
Install all of the Manjaro equivalents to the original Debian commands.  (This could take a downloads around 300-400 meg?)
sudo pacman -Sy base-devel

Press enter when it asks what you want to install.....I just installed everything.

sudo pacman -S ninja
sudo pacman -S meson
sudo pacman -S cmake
sudo pacman -S wayland
sudo pacman -S pkgconf
We should now have all the things necessary to install wlr-randr

Step 3
Lets build it. Smile 

git clone
cd wlr-randr
meson build
ninja -C build
sudo cp build/wlr-randr /usr/local/bin

Step 4
Lets run it.
You can now enter a number between 1 and 2 for your scale

wlr-randr --output DSI-1 --scale 1.5

I mentioned this in the Mobian side but I find that "wlr-randr --output DSI-1 --scale 1.35" works best for me as anything smaller uses the smaller keypad that is very difficult to type on.  

Hope people find this helpful!

Now....if I could just get it to keep the current scale when I reboot that would be nice.  Rolleyes

Links to original data.
To get it on reboot I wrote this desktop file : 


[Desktop Entry]
Name=Setup scaling
Exec=wlr-randr --output DSI-1 --scale 1.5