Full Version: Poweroff/Reboot fails
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This seems to be a similar problem to several bugs reported, but all seem to have been solved.

I have installed edge and updated. Selecting Poweroff or Reboot from the top menu drops me to a login prompt instead of power off. Pressing the stop button for <> 15 seconds completes the power off. Entering sudo poweroff (password) at a terminal has the same effect.
I can't help since I don't even know what the default pin is after installing the edge build!
(06-09-2021, 01:22 AM)AndyM Wrote: [ -> ]I have installed edge and updated. Selecting Poweroff or Reboot from the top menu drops me to a login prompt instead of power off.
Wait for a minute or two and it powers down or reboots.  If you have the time it is safer than dumping the power.

It will also sometimes hang for a similar amount of time if you say "service tinydm stop".  That one is probably related to "cgroups cleanup" since you get a cli notice that it is starting that when it pauses.  But they aren't the same bug because I just put it to the test.  Right now stopping tinydm isn't pausing for me at all but reboot did pause about 15 seconds.