Full Version: Modem Shutdown/Startup Scripts
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Have you cut a hole in the back cover of your pinephone and regularly switch off your cellular modem with the dip switch to keep the 3 letters from being creepy? If so, you will need these scripts so you can turn off/on the modem without having to restart your phone.

Turning modem off:

Install "minicom"

sudo apk install minicom

Create file "modem_shutdown" with the following text:

sudo minicom -S shut_down -D /dev/ttyUSB2

Create file "shut_down" with the following text:

send AT+QPOWD=1

now make both executable (Probably don't need to make "shut_down" executable)
I also added read/write so I can edit them as needed later.

sudo chmod 700 modem_shutdown
sudo chmod 700 shut_down

Install gnome-terminal (So you can click "Run in terminal" in the filemanager "Nemo")

sudo apk install gnome-terminal

now click on "modem_shutdown" in your home or whatever directory you put these files. Be sure to click "open in terminal" and supply your user password. You should see a minicom screen pop up and it will eventually say "Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB2!". Close out the minicom instance. You can now switch off the modem with the dip switch.

Turning modem on:

Create file "modem_startup" with the following text:

sudo rc-service eg25-manager restart

make it executable

sudo chmod 700 modem_startup

Flip the dip switch back on and click on "modem_startup" and "Run in terminal" like the shutdown script.