Full Version: DIY case backs, screw attachment
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Since we are buying an experimental phone and with the pogo pins the assumption is we will be using alternate DIY casebacks; what safe options do we have for attaching a 3D printed caseback with screws?

Specifically I would prefer a hardware model with extra threaded screw holes for say M1 machine screws but I doubt we can have that before the next hardware rev betas in 3-4 years. In the absence of an updated hardware design is it possible, safe, and wise to use some of the screw holes that hold the interior cover to the frame?  If so which holes, what size screws, and how deep can the screws safely enter the frame?

As a side question is there a PCB with a kapton ribbon and breakout for the pogo pins now?  it would make designing DIY casebacks easier if I could just use adhesive to attach the pogo interface and attach the back with screws.

For those who are not already 3D printing the hot plastic squirting types can make a reasonably strong plane in a few mm but the sidewalls will never be strong enough to 'snap' on as the stock caseback does, hence the screw attachment thoughts.
See - there's a pogo breakout PCB that could be used as the basis for a flexi, and uses a couple of the screws to attach. I think you could use any/all of the screws to attach a back, but we don't have the necessary dimensions or models - they have been asked for, but so far all we have is the back cover so measurement would be needed. I guess I should stick the phone on a flatbed scanner...