Full Version: Product Idea: Pine Graphics Tablet
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(03-31-2021, 08:00 AM)israel Wrote: [ -> ]Graphics Tablet:

It should be fairly easy to repurpose some of the parts from the Pine Tab to make the screen.  It would seem that the main challenge would be to create a PCB  and program the board to function as a "Wacom" type input device.  It also could be as simple as making the tablet mirror the display, and function as the input device as well.  The main missing component would be the pen device itself.  This seems like potentially the biggest challenge, though it may be very simple.
I really like using graphics tablets, but having one that was built openly might make sense to more artists in this age of NFTs.
The ability for a proprietary tablet to have un-patched vulnerabilities that could compromise your original work may become an increased concern in the future.  It might be good to get ahead of the issues proprietary hardware has before people are clamoring for it retroactively because they have lost artwork, or had it compromised in someway. By the way, I also wanted to share with you my experience in installing solar panels. I read a lot of information about it , everything was clearly described, I wanted to install it myself, in general, now I’m waiting for my investments to start turning into a plus, I’m very satisfied, but what do you think about solar panels, do you use or would you like to?
Big Grin

I also have a vacom tablet, I’m very pleased, because it’s more convenient than looking at the screen, but drawing on a tablet, the next transition I want to take myself a wireless one, because for now it’s tied to the desktop Smile And as for solar panels, I’ll say that this is quite a good idea , I also thought of installing it in my dacha, but so far there is no such possibility, I know firsthand that over time it starts to save a lot of money.
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