Full Version: Mirroring Pine64 software
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I was wondering if Pine64 has any software or resources that could use a mirror located in the USA. My company has a server in Buffalo, NY with plenty of spare bandwidth and a 1Gbps uplink. Additionally, if any Pine64 products depend on non-Pine64 FOSS software that could use mirrors, I'm interested in that as well.

(03-16-2021, 06:23 PM)phasewrap Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering if Pine64 has any software or resources that could use a mirror located in the USA. My company has a server in Buffalo, NY with plenty of spare bandwidth and a 1Gbps uplink. Additionally, if any Pine64 products depend on non-Pine64 FOSS software that could use mirrors, I'm interested in that as well.

As a suggestion, providing mirrors for Arch Linux ARM and Manjaro ARM would be nice.
(04-25-2021, 04:15 PM)bikerlatt1 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty happy with Mobian so far, although many apps still don't resize correctly, so they're pretty much unusable or hard to use at least.

I guess I should try Ubuntu Touch again, especially after build 47 which includes better power management.

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Pine has a lot of experience around thier main CPU, but the GPU drivers are very much a work in progress, and there's no guarantee they'll ever be able to run on mainline well. However it's commodity hardware design and tested/cheap. The plan to leverage the custom ROM community for software options, which even on their best days are all over the place as far as quality and maintenance goes.

Librem has done a much better job with drivers and custom design, but is really ambitious about convergence, which might not ever pan out that well. Like their other products all the custom sauce doubles the price of the product vs. off the shelf solutions.

Pine has a lot of appeal to the nuts and bolts tinkerers, while if the Librem comes together like I hope it can, then it's going to have a much broader appeal.