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Hello ,

I've uploaded a package with some scripts to the AUR.
This package is a collection of shell scripts which sets up a USB Gadget interface and initiates a network on this interface.
The created network will use subnet as it's subnet.

The purpose of this package is to facilitate easier means of debugging.
Sometimes the GUI on the Pinephone decides to fail and then it's difficult for a lot of users to obtain the valuable debugging logs.
This package ensures that the usb gadget interface is up-and-running.
Whenever you input a USB cable from any PC/Laptop it will initiate the network, and hand out a IP-Adress for the Host PC.
Now it's easy to connect to a SSH session with the command: ssh <username>@
From here it's easy to obtain the neccasary debugging information such as dmesg and systemctl statusses etc.

You can find the package:

Let me know what you think of it.
