Full Version: PBP Arrives Tmmro, Manjaro 20.12 xfce, Seeking Install Notes/Tips/Tricks/Advice
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Hello there Pine Community!

First Post! Woot! Super stoked to be joining what seems to be a pretty popin single board computer scene! 
Well then, On to me asking things and having problems before i even have the danm thing  Cool .

Im planning on swaping the O.S. it ships with too Manjaro XFCE, as ive read it is the least resource intensive of the bunch (if im mistaken please feel free to enlighten)
Now, a few things have caught my attention, One being that it dosent seem to like to install on the emmc from a SD? Umm beyond that most of the problems seem to be from almost a year ago.

So, that being said, If anyone has any important tips or tricks to make this go smoother and save me some pain, Now would be the time!, and if there already is this exact thread somewhere, Please link them for me to read over Smile

Thanks Yall! Heart
P.S: The model i am receiving is the Oct.2020 Version(amazon). I also ordered the NVMe adapter from Pine, and am hoping that any of the track pad issues have been worked out. If anyone has any insight on that, please drop a line Smile
flash whatever sdcard can use the manjaro-arm-installer to install a crypt=yes install onto emmc as for nvme last i checked any os run from it wasnt working too well with suspend states so use nvme as a home dir or just temp space to do file copy/write intensive stuff with or just storage i dunno i dont use nvme but id like to get the daughterboard for someday since m2 cards are so common and available
also i use sway/i3/waybar not xfce think its lower footprint and also uses the newer wayland gui stuff try it out its not too hard to pickup

if you do decide to mess with sway ... this entry is useful
modify /etc/sway/inputs/default-touchpad
pointer_accel .33
Well! i couldn't be more impressed! Everything worked right out of the box! (knock on wood). Manjaro plasma is just righteous! Havent had a single issue other then some of the keys are swapped, like the '@' with the " " ".