Full Version: Better rkvdec support in 5.11?
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It seems like kernel 5.11 will include some long-awaited changes to video handling (better h264 in v4l2). Right now, v4l2 on the pinebook reports S264 as available on the rkvdec device, but FFmpeg can't seem to actually use it.

With manjaro test branch hitting 5.10.17 this week, I think 5.11 is just around the corner!

Anyone else following these updates and can confirm/deny?

Edit: some links I'm looking at for the news
Support for rkvdec and other stateless H.264 decoders in FFmpeg isn't upstream yet. The LibreELEC project has patches to the 5.10 kernel and FFmpeg which add support:
I'm using these to get hw-accelerated H.264 decoding on my Rockpro64 based media player.
(02-28-2021, 07:34 AM)sigmaris Wrote: [ -> ]Support for rkvdec and other stateless H.264 decoders in FFmpeg isn't upstream yet. The LibreELEC project has patches to the 5.10 kernel and FFmpeg which add support:
I'm using these to get hw-accelerated H.264 decoding on my Rockpro64 based media player.

NICE! Giving these a shot. Thanks for the lead!