Full Version: Recent changes to the Pine64 wiki
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What actually happened recently to the Pine64 wiki?  The watchlist and the list of changes (i.e. edits) to the pages have been changed in a way that makes them unusable, at least to me.  For example, I can no longer compare revisions of pages, which is very important to me.

As far as I can tell, it's either some "user-friendly" variant of the interface, or it's the mobile version that became the only one available.  Maybe some other users find the new interface to be user-friendly, but to me it's no longer usable.

Could we, please, get an option in the preferences to select the previous version of the interface?
Comparing revisions still works for me, can you post a screenshot?
Now it's back to normal. Hmm... I'll check it again a bit later.
Everything is back to normal. Case closed, I guess. Smile
Wish for Subject in wiki is an interactive customer order/shipping reviews
nested and expandible / collapsable as Folder drawers according
to continents and countries. This would save both buyers and staff at
logistics a lot of typing, lost productivity, and headache over simple matters.

Thanks 4 my 20 Agoras
Daniel +972.