Full Version: APN setting for provider AldiTalk (Germany)
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Does anybody manged to get the PhinePhone working with the German Cellphone Provider AldiTalk or any other German carrier?
Yes, this works well. Phone calls and data.
As you are used to on other phones, you should receive a configuration SMS.
This works for me with AldiTalk and Lidl Connect (Vodafone) on Mobian and Manjaro/Phosh.
AldiTalk is also working on SXMO (Lidl not tested).

Not quite sure, I think, I had problems with Ubuntu Touch and an other distri, I do not remember.

The SMS probably did not reach you. If so, you can enter the APN manually.
Name: Alditalk or E-Plus
User: eplus
Password: internet or gprs

Be aware, that the apn settings may vary, depending on your booked flat.
Consult your apn settings on your old phone
(02-10-2021, 12:11 PM)robbyk Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

Does anybody manged to get the PhinePhone working with the German Cellphone Provider AldiTalk or any other German carrier?

I bought a new AldiTalk sim card and initially it wouldn't connect to the network. After putting it in my android phone I received the configuration sms there and then it worked in my pinephone as well. Maybe that helps.