Full Version: [Tip] Rotating the tty
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Have you ever had a broken display manager and were annoyed by the fact that the cable to the external keyboard interferes with standing up your Pinephone upright or even lay perpendicular to the keyboard so you can read without holding your head in an uncomfortable position?

Not anymore! Just do this as root:
echo 1 > /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/rotate_all
I don't know if it can rotate a framebuffer. For me it doesn't so after you fix the broken it should start in portrait orientation.

Making it permanent:
WARNING! Here someone had issues after setting a smaller than native resolution. The gods know what rotating the display does.
Neither have I learned how uboot does things, so I cannot even test it on the Pinephone:
fbcon=rotate:3 # usb socket on the left
fbcon=rotate:1 # usb socket on the right