Full Version: Poll 3: What is your favorite distro/interface for the PinePhone?
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I'm curious what people say is their favorite distro and interface on the PinePhone. Because the forum software only allows 10 options in polls and I count 35 different combinations of distros and interfaces, I'm creating 4 different polls, and will combine the four polls when tallying the results:

Poll 1:
Arch Linux (Phosh)
AVMultiPhone (Mate)
Fedora (GNOME)
Fedora (Phosh)
Gentoo (Phosh)
GloDroid (Android)
KDE Neon (Plasma Mobile)
LuneOS (Luna Next)
Maemo Leste (Hildon)
Manjaro (Lomiri)
Poll 2:
Manjaro (Phosh)
Manjaro (Plasma Mobile)
Mobian (jwm)
Mobian (lxde)
Mobian (openbox)
Mobian (Phosh)
Mobian (xfce4)
Nemo Mobile (Glacier)
NixOS (Phosh)
OpenMandriva Lx (Plasma Mobile)
Poll 3:
openSUSE (Phosh)
openSUSE (Plasma Mobile)
postmarketOS (i3wm)
postmarketOS (Kodi)
postmarketOS (Lomiri)
postmarketOS (Mate)
postmarketOS (Phosh)
postmarketOS (Plasma Mobile)
postmarketOS (Sway)
postmarketOS (Xfce4)
Poll 4:
PureOS (Phosh)
Sailfish OS (Silica)
Sxmo (Suckless buttons interface)
Ubuntu Touch (Lomiri)
Other (explain in comments)

Please vote in one of the 4 polls. If you can't decide which is your favorite combination of distro/interface, then you can vote for multiple options. If I missed a distro/interface, please vote for "Other" and add a comment to this thread to explain your choice and I will tally it.

Results are tallied at: